Studia de securitate


For Authors

Articles and other materials submitted for publication should be sent as an attachment via e-mail: Submissions should be accompanied by information indicating the author’s home address, e-mail address and affiliation. The e-mail should also contain the completed and signed Statement of the Author
Each text sent to the Editorial Office is primarily checked for the technical requirements and content related to the profile of the journal and ethical principles defined in the “procedures and publication ethics” section. If the article fulfills the above criteria, it is passed to the Reviewers.
The article structure required: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions and findings, and bibliography.

The minimum length of the paper

The minimum length of the paper is 0.5 of a publishing sheet, i.e. 20.000 characters (including footnotes, spaces and bibliography). The maximum length of the article is 40.000 characters. Reviews, polemics and information should not be longer than 20,000 characters (including spaces).

Referencing guide

References and intext citations should be in APA style. Reference list includes only titles cited in the paper. The entries should be ordered alphabetically.
The short references within the text are given wholly or partly in round brackets. The surname of the author is followed by a comma and the year of publication. The abbreviation for page is p. and the abbreviation for pages is pp.

Reference list entries – examples

I. Book:
Kowalski, J. (2018). Bezpieczeństwo współczesne. Wydawnictwo Małopolskie.
In text citation: (Kowalski, 2018), (Kowalski, 2018, s. 56), Kowalski (2018).

II. Chapter in a Book:
Batorowska, H. (2017). Bezpieczeństwo informacyjne w dyskursie naukowym – kierunki badań. W H. Batorowska, E. Musiał (Red.), Bezpieczeństwo informacyjne w dyskursie naukowym (s. 9–28). Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie.
In text citation: (Batorowska, 2017), (Batorowska, 2017, s. 14), Batorowska (2017).

III. Journal Article:Kopeć, R. (2019). Powrót „gwiezdnych wojen”? Trendy rozwojowe amerykańskiej obrony przeciwrakietowej. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis „Studia de Securitate”, 9(4), 6–28. DOI 10.24917/26578549.9.4.
In text citation: (Kopeć, 2019), (Kopeć, 2019, s. 17), Kopeć (2019).

IV. Internet Document (Whole Internet Site):Policja (2022), Pomoc humanitarna dla Ukrainy. Retrieved October 19, 2020, from,,Pomoc-humanitarna-dla-Ukrainy.html.
In text citation: (Policja, 2022).

V. Internet Document (Electronic Document):Poushter, J., Fagan, M. (2020). Americans See Spread of Disease as Top International Threat, Along With Terrorism, Nuclear Weapons, Cyberattacks. Pew Research Center. Retrieved October 19, 2020, from
In text citation: (Poushter, Fagan, 2020), Pousher i Fagan (2020).

Citation of Internet Document should include the access date

VI. Act of Law:
Ustawa z dnia 5 lipca 2018 r. o krajowym systemie cyberbezpieczeństwa, Dz.U. 2018 poz. 1560.

Text Formatting

The formatting requirements are defined in the file – text formatting form – Main tools/style

Graph, table, figure should be captioned with a title and a reference source. In-text citation: as shown in Table 4 or the ratio of the value (see Table 4) .

Titles of journals, books and www sites should be in italics. Terms in a foreign language should be in italics.
